FUORI! is a project with an experimental attitude that seeks to bring to light some of today’s pressing issues. Public space, body, politics and authority: these four themes intersect with eight trajectories guided by eight international artists and collectives who, together with the city’s art scene, involve the teenagers of Bologna in performative acts and journeys. A series of workshops curated by local artists and organisations accompanies these eight projects.
FUORI! wants to give power and voice to young people, analysing the complexities rooted in their everyday life and rethinking them to create new forms of imagination. The shared principle of the projects is to bring young people together through artistic creation, a process in which they can discover and play different roles and positions.
FUORI! began in June 2022, and its programme spans a whole year, offering moments dedicated to young people or open to all citizens, ending with a vast public programme in June 2023 that will inhabit the urban space of Bologna.
FUORI! is a project of Emilia Romagna Teatro ERT /Teatro Nazionale, curated by Silvia Bottiroli, promoted by the Municipality of Bologna and funded by the European Union – European Social Fund, within the Operational Programme 2014-2020 for the development of Italian metropolitan cities. It is also part of the European Union’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
A project is, firstly, a group of people that work together to shape and direct it, sharing responsibilities and decisions, debating, sometimes disagreeing, looking for solutions, giving substance to intuitions and desires, and creating conditions. This is the team:
Silvia Bottiroli
Silvia Bottiroli is a curator and researcher working at the intersection between theoretical research, curatorial practices and education in the performing arts.
From 2018 to 2021, she was the art director of DAS Theatre in Amsterdam, an international master’s programme for curatorial and artistic practices. She also oversaw the art direction of Santarcangelo Festival from 2012 to 2016. Bottiroli curated The May Events programme for the KunstenFestivalDesArts in Brussels and Vooruit in Ghent (2018) and co-curated several artistic, discursive and educational projects. Her collaborations include West Kowloon Cultural District in Hong Kong and Homo Novus Festival in Riga. She collaborated with Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree programmes, including SNDO School for New Dance Development in Amsterdam, the Degree Course in Theatre and Performing Arts at IUAV in Venice and the Masters PACS and MAP_PA in Rome. Since 2011, she has been teaching Methods, Criticism and Research in Artistic Disciplines / Theatre at the Università Bocconi in Milan.
Margherita Caprilli
Margherita Caprilli is a documentary photographer. She was born in Tuscany on 10 July 1989 and is based in Bologna. Caprilli deals with cultural, social, political and environmental issues, collaborating with several organisations in the Bologna area and beyond, including CHEAP, Fondazione Cineteca Bologna, ERT Emilia Romagna Teatro Fondazione, Fondazione Innovazione Urbana and publications such as DinamoPress and L’Essenziale.
Marzia Dalfini
Graphic project
Marzia Dalfini works in graphic design, scenography and artistic pedagogy. She collaborates with artists, performers and festivals, curating their graphic and scenographic processes. She also participates in the development and realisation of social art projects with independent organisations. Dalfini runs art workshops for children, focusing on active pedagogy.
Chiara Fabene
Chiara Fabene obtained her Master’s degree from DAMS – Theatre, Music and Dance at Roma Tre University and is now researching the iconography of theatre and dance. In 2019, she obtained a Master’s Degree in Management of Performing Arts Events from Palazzo Spinelli Group in Florence. She started working in live performing arts communication and promotion for Centro Nazionale di Produzione della Danza Virgilio Sieni, Santarcangelo Festival, Emilia Romagna Teatro ERT / Teatro Nazionale. She also collaborates as a researcher on the project Fotografia e Danza, created by Samantha Marenzi.
Filomena Fittipaldi
Community management and communications
Filomena Fittipaldi works in community management and communication, focusing on participative communication processes within movements. She also collaborates with Movimento Giovani of Save the Children, for which she develops and manages the network of young people active within their communities. Fittipaldi has a background in political studies, and she is an activist in the area of transfeminism and gender politics.
Luca Gadler
Coordination and local relations
Luca Gadler graduated from the Live Performing Arts faculty of the University of Bologna in 2016 and collaborated with the organisational teams of Teatro dell’Argine (2016-2018), Centrale Fies – Festival Drodesera (2013-2018) and Pergine Festival (2014-2019). From 2018 to 2019, he attended the Perfezionamento: Dramaturg Internazionale course at the Scuola di Teatro Iolanda Gazzerro. Gadler also collaborated with Emilia Romagna Teatro for the projects Home – Atlas of transitions (2019), Così sarà! La città che vogliamo (2019-2021) and FUORI! (2022-2023).
Stefano Laffi
Scientific supervision
Stefano Laffi is a sociologist and co-founder of CODICI, a research and intervention cooperative. He taught urban sociology and research methodology at several universities in Milan. Laffi wrote for Feltrinelli, Gli Asini, and Franco Angeli. He specialises in youth participation projects, community outreach and the regeneration of public spaces shared with citizens.
Lele Marcojanni
Based in Bologna, Lele Marcojanni was born in 2010 as a group dedicated to documentary filmmaking and then evolved into a path that interweaves writing, audiovisual, sound design, music, visual design, projections, exhibition supports and installations. The stories exhibited and told by the group are small, daily stories far from the grand narratives of the media epic. Lele Marcojanni has directed documentaries, short films and mockumentaries, presenting its work at festivals, museums and hybrid locations. It collaborates with several Italian and international performing arts festivals, documenting live artworks.
Martina Merico
Angela Sciavilla
Promotion and local relations
Angela Sciavilla graduated from DAMS – Drama, Arts and Music Studies in Bologna and coordinated the activities of Cantieri Meticci for ten years. For the past five years, she has been working for ERT Teatro Nazionale, helping to cultivate and strengthen relations in the area. Sciavilla is interested in urban regeneration and cultural welfare. In 2021, she founded InGorki, a pilot project for territorial conservation promoted by over 30 institutions working together to programme free events. Their permanent cultural centre is situated in the Corticella neighbourhood, on the outskirts of Bologna.
Mariona Roigé Feixas
Mariona Roigé Feixas holds a degree in Art History from the Universitat de Barcelona (Spain) and attended the higher education course Project Manager for Events/Live Performances at ENFAP Emilia Romagna. In 2018, she collaborated in the organisation of Right to the City | Diritti alla città, within the European project Atlas of Transitions Biennale (Emilia Romagna Teatro ERT / Teatro Nazionale). From 2019 to 2020, she worked with the company Teatro dei Venti. Since 2021 she has been working with ERT at the Scuola di Teatro Iolanda Gazzerro, VIE Festival and the project FUORI!.