CHEAP inhabits Bologna with a series of public art interventions related to the themes of FUORI!. The collective follows the entire project, curating the production of new artworks designed and created by looking at the performative practices of guest artists. CHEAP and FUORI! ally to invent new curatorial models that relate different artistic imaginaries and practices.
Nightwalk with CHEAP
Walking in the city at night might not be the most harmless of activities. A suggestion, a question, an ode to late-night walks as a tool for reappropriating the public space and the night. The first collaboration between CHEAP and FUORI! inhabits Via dell’Indipendenza in Bologna with a series of posters that enter into a dialogue with the trajectory Nightwalks with Teenagers of the Canadian company Mammalian Diving Reflex. Between references to Surrealist urban walks and Situationist psychogeography, CHEAP provides a playlist for those who want to explore the part of the city occupied by posters via a QR code:
Alongside the curation and the creation of performative works, FUORI! realises several cultural and editorial productions designed as tools for young people and the adults working with them: thematic cartographies acting as an invitation to explore a plurality of stories, a series of meetings that articulate and question educational practices and themes, and a sociological research collecting the words of those who take part in the workshops and in the performative projects that will be shared with the institutions involved in a qualitative evaluation of FUORI!.
Nightwalk with CHEAP
May – June, 2022
© Margherita Caprilli