The activities of FUORI! involve both central areas of the metropolitan city of Bologna and its outskirts. Throughout the year, FUORI! observes and collaborates with schools and other local organisations where young people meet. The city is regarded as an active landscape, a co-protagonist of the activities, aiming to trace a map of public spaces and their potential.
Baumhaus is a social cooperative that deals with training programmes for new generations. Its aim is to ensure that all have the opportunity to learn, understand, create and imagine the cultural forms of their future, especially those on the margins of wealth and social power. Baumhaus offers innovative activities aimed at transforming educational programmes within schools, businesses, institutions and public organisations.
The Fondazione per l’Innovazione Urbana (FIU) is a multidisciplinary research centre for the development, co-production and communication of urban transformation that aims at creating an imaginary future of the city. It was founded in 2018 by the Municipality of Bologna and the University of Bologna, and it plays a leading role in the relations between public administration, university, businesses, the third sector and citizenship.
DOM la Cupola del Pilastro is a research space and an art workshop in the popular neighbourhood of Bologna, Pilastro. DOM has a strong multidisciplinary and international perspective and is designed to host performances, musical activities and exhibitions, attracting a heterogeneous public. DOM was created in 2009 by the theatre company Laminarie (and functions as its operative base) and is curated by Febo Del Zozzo and Bruna Gambarelli.
The MIT, Movimento Identità Trans (Movement for Trans Identity), was founded in 1979 and is one of the oldest and most important organisations of the Italian LGBTQ+ movement. The association fights for the rights and dignity of transgender people, organising conferences, projects and activities on the territory, providing shelter and support services. It operates in Turin, Milan, Florence, Rome, Bologna and Treviso.
Patto per la Lettura Bologna is an alliance between stakeholders, organisations and citizens. It is a cultural tool that fosters meetings, exchanges and experimentations that aims at rethinking Bologna through reading, knowledge and the involvement of people, also concerning public and private spaces. Since 2018, Bologna has become Città che legge (“a city that reads”), a title awarded by Cepell – Centro per il Libro e la Lettura to municipal administrations committed to consistently carrying out policies for the promotion of reading.
The Scuole di Quartiere (“neighbourhood schools”) originate an alliance between social enterprises, cultural associations and institutions, experimenting with alternative educational models that respond to the new needs of adolescents through open and plural training programmes in institutional spaces, but also in streets, squares and parks. With 35 projects spread throughout the city of Bologna, the Scuole di Quartiere use culture and creativity as a tool for the social inclusion of young people, bringing school outside traditional educational contexts and involving thousands of young people in art, fashion, music, theatre, dance, craft and technology workshops. The project is sponsored by the Municipality of Bologna and funded by PON METRO Bologna, National Operative Programme “Città Metropolitane 2014-2020” Asse 3 Progetto BO3.3.1j “Proximity Services”.